
Do the work together

Get Things Done Now...even if you've been stuck for years!

The Procrastinate No More

Group Coaching Program

You know you want to get this done…

But somehow you can't get started.

You notice that you had a good night's sleep yesterday, took your vitamins and even have a happy mood in general.

But when you get reminded of this task ...

You somehow don't have the motivation to work on it.

You console yourself and mutter under your breath ...

"I'll do it tomorrow", "that can wait a day", or "I'm not in the mood"

But Tomorrow Never Comes 

Not to mention, that nearing deadline, makes you even more anxious. You're trying your best to put on your happy face while at your friend's party. But there is a hole inside you that you feel you're drowning in.

With no one to hear you, not even yourself...

By now it's clear to you that these are not the lines from a thriller novel but your everyday battle with procrastination. The act of unnecessarily postponing decisions or actions, the act of stalling tactics to avoid the boring and unpleasant, or the act of unfulfilled dreams.

While there are certainly people more prone to procrastination than others, it should not be an excuse for you to indulge in this unhealthy behavior.

Nobody said life is all rainbows and sunshine.

Sometimes you have to bite the bullet, dust yourself off and keep moving no matter how tough the situation is. Your motto should always be...

"Work Hard, Play Later ..."

And not the other way around, that is , "Play Hard, Work Later .." 

If You've Read This Far, You Know Procrastination Has Already Cost You

It has costed you things like...

  • Great credit standing due to stalled payments on your credit card bill, again for the 7th time in a row.
  • Lost countless job opportunities by not submitting your resume on time.
  • Missed a deadline on an important assignment from your boss only to be turned down for the next promotion in your office.
  • Paying more and get less options for flight schedules, preferred hotels and car rentals when planning a trip.
  • You fail to open a retirement account and ends up costing you big time in the long haul because maybe you hate paperwork, you’re overwhelmed by your options or you’re holding off until you’re in a better position financially
  • Constantly running late and needlessly spending on pricey cab fares instead of much cheaper public transport.
  • Your home improvement projects keep on collecting dust thanks to your number 1 nemesis AKA procrastination.


Procrastination is costing you more and more in so many ways!

I believe you're ready

You're inner procrastinator will be telling you that now is not the time to change your behavior. It will give you a million of excuses as to why you shouldn't take the necessary measures to change your life.

Should you listen to it?

Ask Yourself...

Am I ready to stop sabotaging myself and creating delays that keep me from reaching my biggest goals?

Ask Yourself...

Am I ready to stop putting obstacles in my path and letting people and things distract me from moving forward?

Ask Yourself...

Am I willing to stop making choices that feel good in the moment but hurt my future.?

Ask Yourself...

Am I ready to break through the cycle of delays and position myself to soar to a higher level of success with my career, business and personal goals?

It's Your Time To Take a Bold Step

The Procrastinate No More

Group Coaching Program

This is where you can finally kiss procrastination good-bye and explore the WHY of your procrastination. We will address your reasons head on, together.

In this program, you can put the strategies detailed in our Playbook into practical use and make immediate progress. You can set yourself up to create an action plan and actually follow through.

This is where you ultimately win, succeed and conquer your goals!

Recent research shows that people with higher conscientiousness are less prone to procrastination and those with lower conscientiousness tend to suffer more because they are genetically laid back and predisposed to avoiding routine-based or seemingly unpleasant tasks.

Additionally, there are two types of people out there. One who needs external accountability to hit goals and the other who are natural givers and don't need much external systems.

Our coach is a giver and this program is her way of providing external accountability to those who need it the most.

This program helps bridge that gap for procrastinators by giving them the external accountability and push in the form of to-do lists, deadlines and a real human to rely on for support and motivation.

This Program Bridges the Gap For Procrastinators By Giving You the Tools, Strategies, Resources, Personal Insights, Support and Coaching to Finally Break the Procrastination Cycle.

With a Combination of Masterclass Sessions, Live Coaching and a Supportive Community, You'll Set and Achieve Your Biggest Goals

The Procrastinate No More

Group Coaching Program

By Then End of This Program, You Will

Gain fresh perspective from a safe place from fellow procrastinators and our supportive coach.

Know your values, raise personal awareness and discover your best self.

Know what makes you tick and what turns you off so you can create your life from that awareness.

Unlock the potential that is already inside you, raging to get out.

Establish an action plan and know how to persevere to get to your goals.

Increase your confidence level and become a pro at making swift decisions.

Reduce daily stress and start living a more balanced life.

Lower your stress levels by overcoming the obstacles and challenges you face without overwhelm.

Identify your trigger points before the procrastination spiral goes out of control and sucks you in for worse.

Create a practical action plan to overcome procrastination & use these tools in every area of your life.

Get the support you need to turn your ideas into reality &inspired to follow through on your commitments.

You’ll learn to thrive not just survive the life.

Your Mentor

Hello, I'm Ronnetta!

I’ll be personally guiding you on conquering your procrastination storm. I’m a Certified Professional Coach and specialize in helping clients get over procrastination issues.

And just so you know, I’m a former procrastinator, so I know the journey because of my prior experience of delaying and putting things off until tomorrow, which led to my present, empowered transformation.

You can finally stop procrastinating and self-sabotaging yourself, manage your time, achieve those big financial goals, find your voice to unleash your self-worth and ultimately win, conquer and succeed.

Let me help you break that dreaded cycle once and for all.

What You'll Learn Inside the Program

Take a peek inside

Module 1: Awareness

Understanding WHY you procrastinate. Embracing where you are now by taking in your surroundings with the understanding that I am not where I want to be, and this is not the ending to my story!

Module 2: Visualization

Being able to see yourself achieving more BEFORE reaching your goals is critical to overcoming procrastination. Create a visual in full color of yourself living the dreams and aspirations you desire.

Module 3: Obstacles

These temporary challenges block your way of achieving those goals. You'll discover how to make decisions based on the value of what you've been avoiding.

Module 4: Implementation

Here's where the  practical action plan comes in to play.  When going after what you want make sure it aligns with who you are and what you expect to achieve.

Module 5: Accountability

The truth is, life will happen. There will always be situations and circumstances that have the ability to get you off track. Having accountability helps you stay focused.

Module 6: Conclusion

Consistency + Focus + Accountability = A Transformation of Living a Life of Expectation to Win, Conquer and Succeed!

Praise from Previous Program Participants

Here's What's Included

Orientation and Onboarding coaching session

Program planner and workbook to help you track your progress

7 learning modules breaking down the HOW of overcoming procrastination

Daily affirmation cards

Support & Resources

Unparalleled community cheering you on!