
I'm Ronnetta

I help women overcome personal obstacles & challenges so they can manage their time, finally achieve those big goals, and use their voice to fully step into a life of expectation to win, conquer and succeed.

Your Worth Isn't Dictated by Others. Recognize Your Value.

My name is Ronnetta Stokes-Wagstaff – wife, mom, healthcare professional, life coach and former bonafide procrastinator.

I worked for Johns Hopkins University for 25 years. I had a comfortable job, a daily routine, and a consistent income, which resulted in my complacency.  My bi-weekly direct deposit and the occasional “good job” from my supervisor became enough for me to get through each day – until it wasn’t.

You see, I was the classic perfectionist!

There was a place for everything, and everything had a place.  Anything I did had to be perfect before displaying it. I didn’t give myself any credit for progress - only flawless execution. While the pursuit of excellence may seem desirable or admirable, it is extremely toxic. It caused me to become totally preoccupied with avoiding failure. Over time, this led me to create negative thought cycles. By constantly striving for the best, I was creating excessive anxiety about underachievement and judgment from others.

I was also putting myself, my needs, goals, and wants last because everyone else needed me.  My family, my patients, my friends– everyone.  I began to set aside work or projects for myself in favor of their needs.  I wanted to be the one they could rely on.  It gave me purpose.  It meant something to me to be perceived as the one who ALWAYS delivered.

The truth is all of that pouring into others often left me depleted.  I neglected myself so much, any act of self-care led to guilt. I often took on more than I could handle, which led to unrealistic expectations and then work avoidance to free myself of the resulting anxiety.  It was a vicious cycle.

I began to experience periods of frustration and irritation at home and at work. There was a nagging feeling that there had to be more to life than what I was living.

So, I began to evaluate my life. Working in healthcare, I knew I loved my patients.  Our conversations were medicine to my soul, and helping my patients begin to shift their perspectives even when facing some very difficult medical challenges was extremely fulfilling.  I loved seeing the smiles on their faces.

Before stepping into my purpose, I had some work to do. I hired a life coach to offer me a structured plan and support, and that's when my transformation began.

Through a period of deep self-reflection, I began to discover my passion, gifts, and purpose lie in helping others overcome the procrastination that had held me back for most of my life.  I asked myself big questions like, “What do I enjoy doing that takes the least amount of effort and just comes naturally for me?”  I discovered I’m a natural giver. I love to see others happy, and to be able to help them see themselves and their situations in a new, more positive light.

Before stepping into my purpose, I had some work to do. I hired a life coach to offer me a structured plan and support, and that's when my transformation began. I started to create new thought patterns around fear, avoidance and validation seeking that better served the woman I was becoming.

This mindset shift was vital; it helped me to dive deep within and find that inner person hiding all those years. I learned things about myself that surprised me. I realized I did have dreams and aspirations but never pursued them.  I was so preoccupied with what everyone else needed, I had lost myself.

I now walk a much more authentic path.  My life is no longer driven by the demands of others. Instead, I have found balance.  I do work that I love every single day and I also make time to be a loving and supportive wife, mother, and friend.  This taught me that, with the right mindset, we can truly have it all. 

Today, I am a Certified Professional Coach. I am intentional about making sure I take the time to do self-work and care for my needs. I understand now that it’s not selfish or self-serving, but necessary for me to show up as my best self for me and others.

I recognize my value and my worth isn’t dictated by others. I'm living unapologetically and being consciously aware of who I am and what I need in order to thrive. My transformation has empowered me to become the bold and confident woman I am today, and the same is possible for you!

Start Living Your Life Unapologetically

Secure your place in my new coaching program and take charge of your life today!

Ronnetta helped me understand I needed to create structure and boundaries with action steps that needed to be put in place. She encouraged me to develop habits that helped me figure out what I wanted for myself.

T. Patel