find your voice & Start Living

You deserve to Be Seen, heard, and valued.

It's time to step into your greatness and let your light shine!

Tired of Feeling Like Your Voice Doesn't matter?

You’re juggling work, family, and maybe even a side hustle. You're the rock, the problem-solver, the always-there friend. But deep down, you’re tired. Tired of putting yourself last. Tired of doubting your worth. Tired of feeling like you’re just going through the motions. Tired of feeling that your sacrifices aren't appreciated.

You're being everything to everyone - constantly giving, but something's missing.

The joy that you're supposed to receive from giving, has turned into feelings of burden. Your pursuits of peace of mind, the confidence to chase your dreams, or just a little time for yourself have disappeared.


Millions of women are feeling the same way. We're strong, we're resilient, but we're also human. It's time to stop pretending like we have it all figured out and start asking for help.

Let me know if this sounds familiar...

  • You dream of becoming an entrepreneur or finally traveling the world, but then that little voice in your head says, "Girl, you ain't good enough," or "It's too late."
  • You're constantly lookin' at what everyone else has, and wonder why you're not there yet. Even though you know you're killin' it, you still feel like a fake sometimes.
  • You want to stop pleasing everybody, so you try saying "no", but everyone keeps asking for more. 
  • You dream of having it all - a good job, a happy family life, and some "me" time - but your plate is always full.
  • Just the thought of asking for that promotion or a raise makes you want to crawl under a rock. You start doubting yourself and thinking, "Am I really worth it?"


You Know You Need Change

You're tired of feeling unheard, undervalued, and disrespected. You deserve better. You deserve to shine. But you need a roadmap, a sisterhood, and someone in your corner to help you get there.

I'm talking about real talk, no sugarcoating.

It's time to level up!

How can you begin to turn things around?

First, figure out what matters most to you. What do you value? Where do you want to draw the line? It's time to create a life that works for you.

Next, surround yourself with women who've got your back. You need people cheering you on, holding you accountable, and lifting you up.

Then, it's about changing your mindset. How you see yourself matters. Start treating yourself like the queen you are.

And, above all...

Don't be afraid to get some help.
A coach can be your secret weapon, helping you unlock your full potential and shine bright. 

Imagine how it would feel to...

  • Walk into a room and own that space - speaking up, sharing your ideas, and getting the respect you deserve.
  • Have time for you, without feeling selfish or guilty.
  • Wake up feeling refreshed with a renewed inner strength, purpose, and outlook on life.
  • No longer second-guessing yourself because you have a clear roadmap to accomplish your dreams.
  • Shake yourself free from all the drama and pain from the past and step into your power.
  • Belong to a community of women who get you. Women who celebrate your wins like they're their own, and who hold you down when things get tough. 



A game-changing membership program for women who are ready to silence their inner critic, face their fears, and boss up their life.

Meet your coach

Ronnetta Stokes Wagstaff

I'm your hype woman, your coach, your 'she got this' accountability partner. I'm here to help you kick that self-doubt to the curb and level up your life. I'm all about helping you break free from the vicious cycle of self-doubt. As a certified coach, I've seen it all - the fear, the procrastination, the self-sabotaging.

I've been in your shoes. I've been that person putting everyone else first, drowning in never-ending to-do lists, and wondering where her life went. I used to be queen of putting things off, but now I'm living proof that change is possible.

I can help you do the same!

I'll help you slay those goals, find your voice, and become the boss you were meant to be. Let's turn your "I can't" into "I did it!"


take a look at

What's Inside the women's self-mastery Circle

Monthly Coaching Sessions

Face-to-face time with Ronnetta and her team, where you can get real-time support & guidance. 

Interactive Group Discussions

Connect with your tribe of dynamic women to share your wins, your struggles, and your dreams.

Actionable Resources

Your own personal toolkit for success that's filled with workbooks, videos, downloads, and more!

Exclusive Community Events

Special events and workshops designed to build deeper connections and grow faster.

Motivating Challenges

Tackle challenges that'll make you stronger, smarter, and ready to conquer anything by safely pushing out of your comfort zone.

Success Path Guidance 

My proven plan will help you identify your blind spots, get you back on track, crushing your goals, 

Join the Women's Self-Mastery Circle today and step into a life where every day is a step towards the person you were always meant to be. Don't just dream of a life of fulfillment and purpose. Make it your reality.

Join the Women's Self-Mastery Circle's

and Rewrite Your Story!

Why The Women's Self-Mastery Circle?

Get Your Shine On

You don't have to figure out everything on your own. Ronnetta and her team are here to guide you, cheer you on, and help you kick butt. We've been where you are, and we know the way out. We're your accountability partners, your coaches, and your confidantes. We'll give you real-talk advice, strategies, and that extra push you need to crush your goals.

Supportive Sisterhood

This is not an ordinary group. It's a sisterhood. We're all about lifting each other up, celebrating wins, and being there when things get tough. You'll find your people here. No judgment, just pure support. You can be yourself and thrive.

Actionable Strategies

We're giving you the tools to slay your goals. No more excuses, no more procrastination. It's time to stop dreaming and start doing.

Ongoing motivation

We're your hype women! You'll have a whole crew cheering you on, keeping you accountable, and reminding you how amazing you are.

This Community Is Ideal For You If:

  • You tired of doubting yourself and ready to up level your life and career.
  • You want a life that's not just surviving but thriving.
  • You desire a supportive community to hold you accountable for your decisions.
  • You're ready to stop dreaming and start doing.

Self-mastery is an ongoing journey and one that requires continuous effort and commitment. With the support of our community and the tools and techniques you have learned through our program, we know that you can reach your full potential and achieve the life you desire. 

Together, let's unlock your true potential and create a life of purpose, passion, and fulfillment.

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What our clients are saying

[Ronnetta] changed my perspective and made me realize how frequently I would make excuses as to why I can’t do something but in reality with proper time management anything is possible. I learned how to be realistic and plan things out so that I’m productive but not overwhelmed.

Kya N.

Before coaching a few of my greatest challenges were: disconnected from my family, disorganized in my thought process, and struggling to maintain a level of consistency in my life efforts.

Now, I am consistently prioritizing my time and limiting my time at work. I have so much more peace in my household. The kids are thriving and at peace.

So very grateful for the life-changing time with Ronetta and all the benefits it's given myself and my close relationships with my family.

Christa B.

I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with Coach Ronnetta. I'm now evolving in my life and career, and it feels great! 

I learned to get rid of self-imposed barriers. There are no limitations anymore! My confidence level has gone to 100% and I have proven to myself that I can live a different lifestyle, one that I desire. 

I highly recommend this to other women. During this process I have learned that, by going it alone, we can get in our own way and that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE with accountability. Thank you Coach Ronnetta for keeping me accountable!”

Brittney L. 

I am steadily moving forward and have made great leaps with what goals I have for myself, its very shocking. I am either in deep progress or near completion on goals I have set for myself. 

I was able to let go of lies I had built for other people so I could keep them in my life. It was exactly these people and things I needed to let go of to move forward. Without this coaching I would be stagnant and trying to figure out how to move forward.

[Now] I see red flags clearly. I notice warning phrases and know to trust my professional and personal gut without second guessing. Most importantly, I have learned how to move forward with empathy not sympathy with clients and acquaintances

Eboney W.

Delores H.

Don't wait any longer!

This is your chance to finally break free from self-doubt and achieve your goals.


Founding Member OFFER!


47/Access Today!

  • Monthly Hot Seat Coaching Sessions
  • Interactive Group Discussions
  • Monthly Community Events
  • Quarterly and Monthly Challenges
  • Expansive Resource Vault
  • Success Path Program Beginner Access
  • Coffee with Ronnetta Archive
  • Pivot Mini-Course

Equal monthly payments of $47

* All plans renew automatically unless canceled. You can cancel at anytime. 

More than a subscription, it's a step towards the life you've always dreamed of but were too afraid to reach for.

In joining the Women's Self-Mastery Circle, you're not just gaining access to a program, but entering a community of like-minded women who share your aspirations, your struggles, and your desire for a life of fulfillment and achievement.

Together, let's unlock your true potential and create a life of purpose, passion, and fulfillment.


Fully Protected by Our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.


If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing community, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they will give you a swift refund.

have a question?

Frequently Asked Questions

"Can I afford this right now?"

This is an investment in your future success and well-being. Consider the long-term benefits of increased earning potential and career advancement. At just $27 a month, it's a small price to pay for big results.

"Do I have time for this?"

The Women's Self-Mastery Circle is designed for busy women. Monthly sessions and resources are available on-demand, allowing you to learn, engage, and implement at your own pace.

"will this work for me?"

I have an unwavering belief in The Women's Self-Mastery Circle's power. And, I've helped countless women overcome similar challenges and achieve their goals. If you're not satisfied within the first month, I offer a full money-back guarantee.

Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time with no hidden fees or penalties.

Is the Women's Self-Mastery Circle for women of all ages and backgrounds?

Yes! This community welcomes women from diverse backgrounds and life stages who are committed to personal growth and empowerment.

How often are coaching sessions and events held?

We host monthly coaching sessions and events, with additional resources and activities available on an ongoing basis.

Do You Offer Refunds?

If, for some reason, you are not satisfied with The Women's Self-Mastery Circle and all the amazing resources inside, you can request a refund within the first 30 days. After the first 30 days, we will not issue a refund.

ready to get started?

Founding Members SAVE MORE By Joining Today!


Founding member offer!


47/Access Today!

  • Monthly Hot Seat Coaching Sessions
  • Interactive Group Discussions
  • Monthly Community Events
  • Quarterly and Monthly Challenges
  • Expansive Resource Vault
  • Success Path Program Beginner Access
  • Coffee with Ronnetta Archive
  • Pivot Mini-Course

Equal monthly payments of $47

Join the sisterhood and transform your today into the thriving, fulfilling tomorrow you deserve!